Out of interest what are you using to track your portfolio?
I'm guessing you have holdings in multiple currencies (GBP, USD, etc) and as a UK investor potentially a mix across multiple accounts (ISA, GIA, SIPP) and potentially brokerages.
I'm on the hunt for a good solution but haven't had much luck
Out of interest what are you using to track your portfolio?
I'm guessing you have holdings in multiple currencies (GBP, USD, etc) and as a UK investor potentially a mix across multiple accounts (ISA, GIA, SIPP) and potentially brokerages.
I'm on the hunt for a good solution but haven't had much luck
I track my portfolio using sharesight. They take into consideration all the important stuff like currency difference, dividend etc, capital gains.
That's one excellent annual review! Thank you for the transparancy.
That’s what it’s all about man. Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it
Thanks Gordon I appreciate the kind words. 2024 should be an interesting year